Keeping Your Title Tags & H1 Tags Consistent for SEO Rankings
Jonathan Hunt has written this article. More details coming soon.
It’s official. Here we are in 2015 and Google still says that title tags and H1 tags are important for rankings. Some things never change. More importantly, however, Google is now on record as saying those two SEO factors need to be consistent. That’s not a shocker to the SEO community, but it’s nice to have it in writing…in a Google+ thread.
They were specifically addressing H1 tags and Title tags for Google News, but we think the same logic applies to other sites as well. We tend to work with a lot of retail sites, so we try set up congruent messaging in the H1 tags and Title tags. It’s pretty standard for product titles to be H1 tags, so building a title tag off of that data is pretty straightforward.
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On the other hand, I don’t ever like to get my SEO recommendations from Google. If you find that building title tags and H1 tags using another data-backed method, you should probably keep doing what the data tells you. 😉