PMG Going Green – An Update
Since its inception PMG’s recycling committee has been working hard to improve our work space, community and environment.
Here are a few things we’ve been up to:
When you work at an advertising agency, you typically drink a lot of coffee. While having a normal coffee pot would be ideal, trusting your coworkers to responsible and clean up afterwards may be a stretch. We initially purchase a set of reusable kCups for the office but those also proved to be cumbersome when it came to cleaning. To solve this issue we stocked up on disposable filters designed for reusable kCups. While the filter is not reusable, it is not nearly as bad for the environment as normal kCups. People like them because it makes clean up much easier. Needless to say, adoption has gone much more smoothly with the filters. Anyone who would like to keep their own personal kCup can now be responsible for saving the environment and money one cup of coffee at a time.
Get your very own reusable kCups and disposable filters!
This may be one of our more selfish projects as the herbs we are growing will inevitably be used for cocktails… Priorities. The herb garden was also part of our patio beautification project to make our outside space more enjoyable. In terms of environmental impact, these little guys through photosynthesis fight pollution by reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the air and producing oxygen. So at least they will be combating pollution before we consume them.
It may look like a lot but the process was pretty simple. We took 3 pallets and painted them PMG teal. After anchoring a 2×4 to the external wall we secured the pallets to each other and the 2×4 in the wall for extra stability. We then took 6 adjustable plumbing rings and fastened them randomly to the pallets. From there all that was left to do was plant the herbs and put the pots in the adjustable rings. Viola!
Last but not least, PMG recently decided to participate in 10 on Tuesday to reverse litter in the DFW area. Once a month we go grab something for lunch and then pick up 10 pieces of trash on our way back to the office. According to the organization “If 5,000 people chunk 10 pieces of liter a week into the trash or recycle bin, the Metroplex will reduce litter by 2.6 million pieces in just one year!” In the Texas heat we highly recommend staying hydrating and searching for trash in the shade.
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Being environmentally conscious can be fun. Who doesn’t like having a prettier community, less trash and fresh cocktails?