PMG Digital Made for Humans

Make your Github Profile Look Great

1 MINUTE READ | December 16, 2016

Make your Github Profile Look Great

Author's headshot

Chris Alvares, TBD

Chris Alvares has written this article. More details coming soon.

We at PMG are huge supporters of the Git/Github code workflow. We, like many agencies, use the standard flow of branching, committing and pull requesting all of the code we write. However, a lot of this code is priority and lives in private repos, which makes your Github contribution chart a little bland to outside users.

However, with a small change in Github, you can show private activity (although what you are actually working on is still private) to anyone viewing your Github profile page.

Use the “Contribution Settings” dropdown to show the private commits you have uploaded to Github.

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Now, when you view your profile, even without a login, you will be able to see all the contributions you have made in the previous year. It is pretty great for having a pretty Github profile.

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