PMG Digital Made for Humans

Living on Intern Island

3 MINUTE READ | May 18, 2015

Living on Intern Island

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null null

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In a maze of desks, I somehow managed to have my own table with enough space to hold two chairs and my mess of stuff (albeit it in the corner and occasionally in the way of bypassers). Aptly dubbed Intern Island, my table stands about 5 feet from the rest of my team and is the only circular desk in the office. Although Intern Island may sound like a piece separated from the core of the team, I prefer to think of it as a lifestyle that one lives–the Island Life.

The Island Life consists of certain thought processes that I think are vital to the success of any intern at PMG, as well as at any company. There are 3 major thought processes that produce quick and sustained success in an internship:

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  1. I am here to learn above anything else. I work with some of the smartest people in a brand new industry that most people have no first-hand experience in. I’m in a position where I had no direct experience in digital marketing prior to this internship. I need to walk in the door everyday and know that I’m going to learn something new, and I need to be able to absorb that information because it is only one domino in a long string that I need to understand to have any chance of learning how the industry functions. Also, questions are good too so ask them often and unashamedly.

  2. I am here to help where I can. Being hardworking and dedicated is key, but also humility is equally important when starting in a new position. That doesn’t mean don’t push yourself and ask for hard work, but don’t be above anything (Yes, Excel is real, useful, and a terrible pain but deal with it). At PMG, I get the awesome opportunity to occasionally do some work I don’t love, but it still makes a difference and that’s the only reason I need to do a job to the best of my ability.

  3. Sometimes be THE intern. Don’t take yourself too seriously. It’s ok (and expected) as an intern to make fun of yourself and enjoy your time while at work. I couldn’t last a week working full time somewhere if I wasn’t enjoying it. Get to know the people around you, introduce yourself to people you’ve yet to meet, and tell a really embarrassing story about yourself from your past to everyone in the office on your third day. These things only make work more enjoyable and give you the drive to be humble in your work and come to work to learn before anything else.

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