Know your type, part 1—dashes
Hayley Rhodes has written this article. More details coming soon.
In the digital age, we’re always quickly typing and sending off texts, emails, and reports but pay little attention to the proper use and role of typography and grammar. When the typewriter was invented, many of the traditional typographic symbols were left off the keyboard to save space. This eventually translated to the modern keyboards we all use every day. As a result, many of us default to what’s directly in front of us on the keyboard and don’t give a second thought to whether we’re correctly using those punctuation marks. Below are some quick examples of how to correctly use all the different types of dashes.
use in place of versus
shows a range
link points on a travel route
attribution of a quote
use without spaces to create a pause
use to set numbers
use in place of a hyphen or minus sign (it’s a holdover from typewriters)
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