PMG Digital Made for Humans

Avoiding a Vendor Bender

2 MINUTE READ | May 20, 2014

Avoiding a Vendor Bender

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Blake Burch

Blake Burch has written this article. More details coming soon.

Our partners are the foundation to our business and culture. These relationships help us to innovate and drive our brands forward. While we can’t partner with every vendor that drives our way (and believe us, we would if we could), there are some minor accidents that can be easily avoided on the road to creating a great relationship with our team or any digital marketing agency.

Try to care about our clients as much as we do.We know you don’t know what happens on a day-to-day business, but if you want us to use your service, you have to let us know what the tangible benefit would be for our clients. What relevant ideas have you had that could benefit our clients? Creating these ideas on the spot is alright, but bonus points go to the vendor that take the time to make custom slides for these client-specific ideas.

Numbers > Flash.We’re deeply rooted in creating campaigns that provide real results. The large majority of our clients are concerned with a great ROI and a low CPA, not how many impressions or clicks can be generated with a campaign. Know that as soon as we first learn about your service, we see right through the fancy words, “premium inventory”, and “revolutionary technology”. We want to see use cases and typical scenarios that reveal the thing that matters most. Performance.

Tell us why you’re REALLY unique.Every vendor offers similar products, so you need to tell us right off the bat what makes your service much different from competitors. From consumer tracking that monitors your purchase intent, to cross-platform remarketing, we’ve pretty much seen it all. If you can show us an extra niche benefit you can provide, we’re much more likely to find a use for our clients.

Be persistent, but be helpful.We’re just as busy as you are and sometimes, emails will just slip by. Let us know cool new things your company is doing that would be a great fit for our clients. Let us know of any new use cases you’ve had for clients in similar industries. Don’t just pop in once a quarter to check in because your CRM software said it was time again.

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