PMG Digital Made for Humans

Holiday 2021: Get Ahead,

May 24, 2023 | 15 min read

Author's headshot

Bradley Cooper, Senior Content Writer

Bradley Cooper is the founder and CEO of ContentP, a content creation company. She’s been a content marketer for over 10 years and has written for PMG, Forbes, Entrepreneur, Inc, and many other publications on blogging and website strategy.

The measurement landscape is as fragmented as ever as senior executives look to business transformation and digital-first marketing programs to make every media dollar work harder amid unprecedented market volatility.

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have started shopping for the holidays

Marketing measurement solutions are the talk of the C-suite as marketers accelerate data, analytics, and measurement roadmaps to gain a better line of sight into business performance amid market volatility and the accelerated pace of change.

The measurement landscape is as fragmented as ever, and the journey toward holistic, robust marketing measurement can seem difficult. As a result, many marketers fall into the trap of focusing on the here and now, and settling for at-hand platform signals and attribution models rather than building durable measurement programs.

This short-term focus on adopting the latest platform attribution update can distract from the importance of building long-term durability within a brand’s measurement program.

Fortunately, automation and machine learning advancements have supercharged the utility of standard measurement solutions, transforming practices like Media Mix Modeling (MMM) into a must-have for any well-organized media program.

These advancements allow measurement models to better account for the interaction between marketing touchpoints and drive faster, more applicable insights on media performance.

Advancements in automation and machine learning have supercharged the utility of standard measurement solutions, transforming practices like Media Mix Modeling (MMM) into a must-have.

Behind the headlines of shifting timetables for third-party cookie deprecation, the announcements of new data cleanrooms to combat signal loss, and mounting privacy regulation, there’s a unique opportunity to reset and return to the fundamentals of media measurement.

For brand marketers who seek to swiftly navigate this moment and answer investment attribution questions from the C-suite with confidence, these post-privacy practices can deliver for the brand and the larger needs of the business.

In many organizations, the first step toward advancing a more durable measurement roadmap is educating stakeholders on how the privacy-first digital media ecosystem works, what’s changing, and outlining clear best practices and next steps for building durable data and measurement programs.

This allows marketers to champion the importance of a post-privacy measurement strategy among key leaders and decision-makers.

As advertising becomes more privacy-conscious, measurement strategies must be supported by stronger partnerships with finance, legal, and technology teams as regulatory compliance, true ROI measurement, and zero- and first-party data capture require cross-functional expertise and technologies.

Strategic recommendations

PMG’s Q4 Customer Outlook Survey findings show that as of November 1, shoppers are beginning to ramp up their holiday purchase behavior and feeling a growing sense of urgency to shop, with availability and convenience more of a priority than ever. At this moment, marketers have an opportunity to capture share starting today, lowering dependency on peak promotional days to hit ambitious sales goals. Similar to 2020, as consumers move from consideration to purchase, they are increasingly looking for a one-stop shop, whether it be Amazon or other wholesale sites to complete transactions. For mono-brand retailers, in particular, this is a critical moment to deliver messaging that helps convey the benefits of a direct purchase and invest in mindshare as consumers move from consideration to purchase.

We See Three Opportunities to Jump on Today:

The holiday sprint is on. Brands that remain agile, capitalize on competitive advantages, and stay in tune with shifting consumer expectations can win the moment.


Pull budget forward, invest.

The holiday sprint is on. Brands that remain agile, capitalize on competitive advantages, and stay in tune with.


Further diversify how customers are reached

The holiday sprint is on. Brands that remain agile, capitalize on competitive advantages.


Actively pursue and measure market share and customer growth

The holiday sprint is on. Brands that remain agile, capitalize on competitive advantages.


Pull budget forward, invest early, and flex to performance

The holiday sprint is on. Brands that remain agile, capitalize on competitive advantages.


Further diversify how customers 
are reached

The holiday sprint is on. Brands that remain agile, capitalize on competitive advantages.

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