What's New With Bing?
Working in the digital space has taught me how quickly things evolve. You constantly have to be on top of your game with the newest updates to provide your client the best service possible. For this reason, I am here to share with you the latest and greatest from Bing. We recently met with our rep and learned some exciting improvements the paid search ads will be receiving. Similar to the old rich ad units that were once available with Yahoo! (aka RAIS), Bing has introduced the Image Extension available on PC and tablet results.
What is an Image Extension?
Image Extensions are an image of your product (imagine that!) that show on a search ad. They take up real-estate similar to your sitelink extensions.
Image extensions allow for more call to action and increased clicks
You can have up to 6 images associated with each campaign or adgroup
Bing shows 1 image at a time and will rotate between all images
Have no fear, reporting data will show in the existing ad extension details report
Something to be mindful of: Limit of 1,000 campaigns and ad groups combined that can have Image Extensions
Visual of Image Extension:
Image Specifications:
File types: JPG, PNG, or GIF (animated GIFs are not supported)
Image Dimensions limited to:
Minimum: 760 x 400 pixels
Maximum: 1900 x 1000 pixels
Recommended: 1200 x 628 pixels
16:9 aspect ration is required for Image Extension to serve
Images must be relevant to ad/landing page
High-resolution images only; they shouldn’t be pixelate or degrade across screens
What Not To Do:
You cannot use images that are text only or text heavy
Phone numbers are not permitted
Text that functions as part of a logo will not be accepted
General Recommendations:
Bing recommends providing a URL with each image. If a user clicks on an image they can be sent to the ad’s landing page if you do not provide a URL.
Bing strongly recommends you submit a Display Text (essentially a headline) and Description that is customer-ready. During the extension upload process, you can apply a Display Text and Description for each image, and both may show in your ad as this extension revolutionizes itself.
This extension is available for everyone to use now (yay!), so I recommend you get in contact with your Bing rep to learn the nitty gritty details on the implementation steps. Next, reach out to your client and let them know how you can continue to scale your paid search programs through rich media!
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Overall, I hope y’all are equally excited as we are to add some rich media into our search ads, and find this blog helpful as you implement the newest Bing addition to Paid Search extensions. Only thing left to do is sit back and watch your Bing performance improve after you set everything up, and of course get ready for the client love to roll in!