3 MINUTE READ | February 20, 2017
Taking the Extra Step: Why Leave-Behinds Matter
In a digital advertising agency, it can be easy to overlook the importance of print. Specifically, the leave-behind. Leave-behinds are branding pieces that you leave behind (shocker) after meeting with a current or prospective client. These useful pieces of content can make a big impact and help to reinforce a message when interacting with a client. To effectively utilize a leave-behind, it is important to note that they serve one of two major functions:
Expansion Piece
As an expansion piece, a leave-behind builds on points touched upon during the presentation/pitch/meeting/etc. It will elaborate on these points and go into a more in-depth breakdown and explanation. In doing such, the reader continues to feel engaged with the content even after the initial presentation has ended.
Summary of Key Points
Leave-behinds can also give a high-level overview of the major topics discussed throughout the presentation. This type of leave-behind will serve as a reminder of discussion points. In such, it jogs the reader’s memory of the more specific details. It can also be given out to those not in attendance as a summarization of key takeaways.
In addition to these two primary functions, there are also added benefits of leave-behinds. They can be a relationship building tool. It shows the client that your company cares about putting time and effort into your business relationship. Small personal touches like this form positive contributions to working relationships. They also function as a brand awareness piece, often being kept long after the initial presentation. Each time it is seen, it reminds a client of your brand and the valuable ideas you bring to the table. Lastly, it is an opportunity to flex your creative muscles and really ‘wow’ your client with your creative abilities.
Best Practices:
Always write for the reader. Make sure to consider questions such as “What it is they need to know?” and “Is it the right message for them?”
Keep it concise and filled with “snackable” content. No need to fluff up your content here. It should be a fairly quick and focused read.
Have an engaging design. Take the time create a well-designed piece that complements the content within. A poor design will distract from your intended message. Instead, enhance your message with a great design.
Don’t forget stats and stories. Statistics and storytelling are found to be enticing to readers and help them engage with your piece. Sprinkle some of this engaging content into your leave behind to take it to the next level.
Personalize it. This a special piece of content crafted just for their eyes. Don’t make it look or sound like some generic handout you found online.
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So, the next time you’re up for a big pitch, consider the value of a leave-behind. Whether highlighting your major points or diving further into a concept, a leave-behind will drive home your point. If you keep these tips in mind, your leave-behind is sure to be amazing.