PMG Digital Made for Humans

Recent Stats from the World of Digital Marketing (March 2016)

3 MINUTE READ | March 14, 2016

Recent Stats from the World of Digital Marketing (March 2016)

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Kerry Dean, TBD

Kerry Dean has written this article. More details coming soon.

During a recent all-company meeting at PMG, I decided to give a pop quiz, featuring 11 stats and data points from various data and research sources. The feedback on the pop quiz was fantastic, so I decided to turn my pop quiz into a blog post. So without further ado, here are several recent stats from the world of digital marketing.

  1. App usage on smartphones in US: “Facebook ranked as the top smartphone app, reaching 78.4 percent of the app audience, followed by Facebook Messenger (64.1 percent), YouTube (61.1 percent) and Google Play (51 percent).” [Source: comScore]

    Top 15 Smartphone Apps - comScore (January 2016)

    Top 15 Smartphone Apps – comScore (January 2016)

  2. Weekly media consumption by device: “Americans are consuming more media across more devices – time spent consuming content each week has grown from 50 hours to 64 hours year-over-year.” [Source: Nielsen] Related Stat: Adult users spend 2.8 hours/day using the Internet on their mobile devices. [Source: KPCB, Slide 14]

    Adult Internet Usage Per Day - KPCB

    Adult Internet Usage Per Day – KPCB

  3. APAC online retail revenue forecast: “In the markets included in our latest Asia Pacific Online Retail Forecast — China, Japan, South Korea, India, and Australia — total online retail revenues will nearly double from $733 billion in 2015 to $1.4 trillion in 2020. For perspective, $1.4 trillion is about the same amount spent online in 2015 in every market that Forrester forecasts across the globe combined.” [Source: Forrester]

  4. Amazon’s amazing conversion rate for Prime Members: “Amazon’s conversion rate among Prime members is 74%, according to a study from website traffic measurement firm Millward Brown Digital on the online shopping behavior of Prime members. [Source:]

  5. Visits to UK retail clothing sites by device type: “Mobile exclusive usage was dominant for the selected 10 UK clothing retailers during December 2015. An average of 47.4% of their total unique users visited these properties using only a mobile device (Smartphone or Tablet), 42.6% only desktop and 9.9% from multiple platforms.” [Source: comScore]

    Mobile Device & Desktop Usage, UK Clothing Retailers, December 2015 - comScore

    Mobile Device & Desktop Usage, UK Clothing Retailers, December 2015 – comScore

  6. Forecasts for ad spending in China: “eMarketer predicts that digital ad spend will reach $40.42 billion in 2016—a 30% increase on last year’s spend. eMarketer expects this number to more than double by 2020, when it will reach $83.59 billion.” [Source: eMarketer]

    Total Media Ad Spending in China, by Media, 2014-2020 - eMarketer

    Total Media Ad Spending in China, by Media, 2014-2020 – eMarketer

  7. Mobile bookings data for an OTA: “Citing data from, Google says 74% of mobile bookings are made for same-day check-in.” [Source: MediaPost]

  8. Forecasts for the Internet of Things: “Gartner, Inc. forecasts that 6.4 billion connected things will be in use worldwide in 2016, up 30 percent from 2015, and will reach 20.8 billion by 2020. In 2016, 5.5 million new things will get connected every day.” [Source: Gartner]

  9. Digital Video Consumption in the US: “According to eMarketer’s latest forecast of digital video consumption, 2016 will be the first time more than half of the US population will watch TV shows online at least once a month. In 2016, 164.5 million Americans will watch digital TV—50.8% of the US population. That’s a jump from 47.8% last year.” [Source: eMarketer]

    US Digital TV Viewers, 2014-2020 - eMarketer

    US Digital TV Viewers, 2014-2020 – eMarketer

  10. Surprising Data from Holiday 2015: “It’s official: Cyber Monday is no longer the top online shopping day of the year. That title now belongs to Thanksgiving Day, which registered 328.7 million visits to the Hitwise Retail 500 this year.” [Source: Experian Hitwise]

  1. Smartphone ownership in the US: “198.5 million people in the U.S. owned smartphones (79.1 percent mobile market penetration) during the three months ending in January 2016.” [Source: comScore]

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Hope you enjoyed the stats. Cheers!

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