PMG Digital Made for Humans

Using Google Remarketing Lists for Search for Trademark

2 MINUTE READ | April 18, 2014

Using Google Remarketing Lists for Search for Trademark

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null null

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Rolled out in the last couple years, Retargeting Lists for Search combined paid search keyword targeting with the cookie targeting capabilities we loved of display retargeting. The RLFSA program has been an incredible tool to generate efficiencies within our non-brand search programs. Adding a previous site visit as pre-qualification, we can be much smarter on the way that we are targeting and bidding against these non-brand queries.

Thinking about the efficiencies we find with the non-brand campaigns, I was wondering how we could translate some of those wins over to the branded search programs. If we are able to customize the bids in our non-brand programs based on pervious site visitation, why couldn’t we translate that over to customizing the copy for the trademark terms based on previous site experience?

As a best practice within the industry, more general creative will be assigned to the non-gender modified trademark terms and drive traffic to a general landing page.

If users defined themselves as a women’s, men’s, kid’s or baby customer based on a previous site visit, why not customize the copy to the user? Though advertisers wouldn’t necessarily want to bid more aggressively for these users, the customization of ad copy would lead to improved CTRs and conversion rates driving the user deeper into the site. Using this technology, the same “jc penney” search query would deliver very different ad copy results customized to that individual user.

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