PMG Digital Made for Humans

Getting Started with Promoted Tweets

2 MINUTE READ | May 28, 2014

Getting Started with Promoted Tweets

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So you’re looking to “level up” your Twitter game with Promoted Tweets, we get that… but do you really know anything about launching a paid campaign through Twitter?  Here are some quick tips that you can use to ensure that your Twitter Promoted Tweets don’t get left in the dust.

1) When choosing which tweets to Promote, always try to use at least 3-5

  • More tweet content means you can tweak messaging (if the need arises) and give additional info about your campaign or offering when you can’t sum it all into just 140 characters

2) Promoted Tweets are charged on a 1st click basis, ensure that the links that you attached to your tweets are few and far between

  • To gain a more accurate understanding of your click metrics in the Twitter Ads insights, simplifying the points of engagement for your tweets will create a more accurate click measurement for you.  Avoid using a link, image and hashtag in conjunction with each other, because it will muddle your click totals… for real though…

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3) Twitter gives you several options to target users with your Promoted T**weets.  Try to separate them into different campaigns to see how they perform against each other and optimize**

  • Much like any other paid medium, determining which content works best will only be achieved through testing.  With Twitter, try to create campaigns based on targets and optimize them based on performance.  You should be able to discern which campaigns are running optimally within a 24 hour time period.

4) Refresh the Twitter content that you are promoted after 5-7 days

  • Remember, Twitter is a real-time social network.  Keep the Promoted Tweets as fresh as possible so you stay relevant to what your audience wants.  Everyone loves cake, but stale cake is another matter… 

So here they are.  Simple and easy tips for you to start building out your Promoted Tweets!  Just remember that Twitter is a little more costly than Facebook, but the performance should be 3X greater.  On average, Promoted tweets average a 1-3% engagement rate.  Follow our tips and you could be sitting on 5-10% easy.  Just saying…

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