PMG Digital Made for Humans

Food Marketers, Scrap Your Playbook

2 MINUTE READ | June 18, 2020

Food Marketers, Scrap Your Playbook

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David Gong, Senior Content Writer

In many organizations, the first step toward advancing a more durable measurement roadmap is educating stakeholders on how the privacy-first digital media ecosystem works, what’s changing, and outlining clear best practices and next steps for building durable data and measurement programs.

2020 has caused many companies to pivot and adapt in speeds not often employed, starting first with the actions that arose due to the global pandemic, and more recently the massive civil unrest that began in Minneapolis and has spread internationally. It has required marketers to demonstrate agility, and frankly, toss many well-planned agendas because of the unprecedented uncertainty of the times.

That’s the premise of recommendations to CPG marketers in particular from PMG’s Angela Seits, who shared her thoughts with Food Navigator USA. Among the things marketers must remember are:

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  • It is critically important to stay on top of consumer insights and social sentiment.

  • Recognize that there will be no “business as usual” for a while, and avoid being tone-deaf on issues as they arise.

  • Brands must hone in on what value they’re providing to their customers, and their messaging must be relevant.

  • Consumers want promotions from food brands, even though they previously were not as budget-conscious, due to the general economic shakiness of the nation right now.

  • Although timely communication is essential, when in doubt, pause and try to avoid being reactive or emotional when determining your approach.

  • Invest more in digital, as the long planning lifecycles of traditional advertising will likely be an unnecessary hindrance.

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