PMG Digital Made for Humans

New Facebook Update: News Feed Gets A Nose Job

2 MINUTE READ | March 18, 2014

New Facebook Update: News Feed Gets A Nose Job

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null null

null null has written this article. More details coming soon.

With all of these new updates rolling out, it’s hard to keep up with all of these new changes.  In my last blog post, we covered the new ad campaign structure.  This time, we are going to go over the News Feed update for desktop users.

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Presenting the new look of the News Feed…

Containing elements taken from past News Feed designs, the new re-design is a much simpler take on the News Feed of 2013.  Based on feedback from test cases and just about everyone else in the world, Facebook has drastically simplified their News Feed for all desktop users.

Here is a list of the new changes within the News Feed:

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Not only changing within the News Feed, but photo uploads are now updated as well.  When uploading multiple photos, Facebook will no longer differentiate between a photo album and a multi-photo status update.  What this means is that Facebook hopes this change will massively simplify the way that their images are seen within the New Feed.

Another interesting update is the orientation of photos when uploading multiple images.  This chart from Facebook outlines how images will now be displayed within the News Feed:

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So… why is this important?

Well for one, this keeps the layout that more Facebook users were more apt to engage with. Larger photos and a simplified News Feed will bring more engagement to areas that users care most about. Eliminating many of the additional options that lived on the left side of the News Feed, Facebook looked to enhanced the most successful engagement outlets within the News Feed.

For brands, this means that their Facebook ad content is even more important.  As Facebook takes the appropriate steps to focus more on content, advertisers must be even more careful with the types of images they use with their advertisements.  We’ve all heard this a billion times, that “content is king.”  This time, it may ring truer than ever.

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