PMG Digital Made for Humans

Are Fiverr Twitter Followers Worth the 5 Bucks?

2 MINUTE READ | June 8, 2012

Are Fiverr Twitter Followers Worth the 5 Bucks?

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Chris Alvares, TBD

Chris Alvares has written this article. More details coming soon.

About two months ago, a co-worker showed me an awesome site called, a site that sells services by random people on the internet for five dollars. Popular things to sell on fiverr are custom photoshop portraits, creating 1 minute jingles of random nouns, and getting more social links. I decided that for the price of half of a movie ticket, I would entertain myself by using the service to get more Twitter followers. Here is my story.

It all started on a Saturday morning, bored out of my mind, I went of Fiverr, and started to look though the many posting for getting twitter followers for my Twitter account.

Fiverr Twitter Search

I finally found one that said “4,000 Twitter Followers with Profile Pictures”. This was one cool. Some guy had randomly created all those twitter accounts and added random profile photos to make them seem legit. I decided to go with this one. I paid my five bucks, and was put in the Fiverr Queue.

Fiverr Twitter Followers Description

Within a couple of hours, I noticed my twitter count was well over 2,000 followers, and it was climbing further. Once it reached about 4800 followers, I decided it was time to troll people on Facebook. I posted this status, and hilarity insued.

Fiver Pranks on Facebook

So for about 2 weeks, I was high bawling, with about 5,000 twitter followers,I would tweet stuff that maybe 50 people saw, but with that 5,000 follower account, it felt like so much more. Until one cloudy day, all of a sudden, I checked my twitter account, I was saddened to learn that my followers, who had converted to my followings, were gone.

Chris Alvares' Twitter Followers

However, with every sad news, there is a silver lining. About 400 of those twitter followers still follow me today, so it was not a complete loss!

So that brings the question: Are Fiverr Twitter Followers worth the 5 bucks? I would say yes, for the entertainment value alone. It is half the cost of a movie ticket, which really would only provide you 2 hours of entertainment. Fiverr is the perfect way to get some fake social cred.

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