PMG Digital Made for Humans

5 Steps to Execution Perfection

3 MINUTE READ | October 21, 2013

5 Steps to Execution Perfection

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George Andrade

George Andrade has written this article. More details coming soon.

(Think about what would have happened to Felix Baumgartner if he did not execute 100% on his 24 mile skydive.)

Execution of tasks is vital to paid search success.

Think about it…

What if your agency failed to update ALL of your holiday sale promotions after holiday?

You would feel pretty angry, I know I would!

Or how about if your agency failed to realize how important it is to do an SQR and later find out that they wasted so much money on keywords that should have been added as negatives?

You would probably yell at them and decide to go find yourself a new agency.

Well hopefully you now agree or already knew that execution plays a big role in not just paid search, but in overall success in every business. That’s why here at PMG we put the execution and efficiency of those tasks at the top of our list.

Here are 5 steps that we all strive toward at PMG that could help you streamline your processes and get you executing at the perfectionist level. You don’t have to be a genius!

1. Research and consult

Unless you are a supercomputer with terabytes of Wikipedia data stored in your mind, you most likely do not know everything. You should find an expert to consult whenever you undergo a task that you are not experienced in. Ask your colleagues for help, Google it, watch a tutorial on YouTube, or read a blog like you’re doing now. If you decide to replace your kitchen floor by yourself for the first time you would not start hacking away without doing some research, right?

2. Take your time

In most situations you have some time to think about what you are going to do. I hate to sound cliché…but write your ideas on a whiteboard or in a notebook and get yourself situated. Taking your time with what you are doing allows you to strategize and think of your end goal to select the best strategy to execute on.

3. Build in checks in your process

Now that you have taken your time to strategize and think about what you need to do, you should always check your work along the way. If you truly care about your work, you will want it to be 100% accurate so that you set yourself up for success. Again, nobody likes someone who never delivers 100% (whether it be your agency, your client, your wife/husband…you get my drift)!

4. Review

Now that you have completed whatever it was you had to do, you should then make the final revision. You want to make sure your work is perfect, so build a final assessment system to make sure you’re ready to fire.

5. Execute

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Congratulations, all that hard work is finally going to pay off. With all your research and checks your work should now be perfect…or at least close to perfect. Now you get to sit back and let others tell you how great you are. It’s a great feeling, I know ;), and hopefully you will too!

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